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Worst Case Ontario 7:55 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?

mashed in maryland 6:32 Fri Apr 7

What a shit title for a film.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:54 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
To be honest Bexley, I'm more concerned about the lives of British people than a bunch of people who hate us and think we are infidels and mugs. But I don't aspire to sainthood...

Bexley Ironworks 7:51 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Given you don't want to let the nasty immigrants in, Nor do you want us to step in when innocent people are being slaughtered, Brownie points is about right for you surface, you massive shitter

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:34 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
mashed in maryland 6:32 Fri Apr 7

I don't want to join in a war AND I don't want to let any refugees in. Do I get double brownie points?

BRANDED 7:31 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Daily Mail
Pulled article


BRANDED 7:06 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Fuck me. You dont understand Islamic fundamentalism init.

simon.s 7:05 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Mashed - shouldn't this in theory lead to less attacks? He's doing Islamic State's work for them. They've already been thanking him.

BRANDED 7:05 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
10:39 pm · 9 Oct 2012

Bexley Ironworks 7:01 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
As a response to Assad slaughtering his own people I think it's long overdue. What's your answer MiM?

HairyHammer 6:52 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
If this is all Trump does for now I think he has played a good hand, it is a warning to Assad.
No need to go mental just showing his massive weaponry.

mashed in maryland 6:32 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
All you lot hoping for war. Take it you're all in the forces? If not then you have family, sons, daughters who are? Cos that's who's gonna end up being sent over there to die over a load of bollocks that none of us know the facts of and is nothing to do with us. Iraq 2: this time the Russians are involved.

Not that it really makes a difference as we will see the terrorism spike now across Europe in "revenge" for our leaders getting us involved again, carried out by "refugees" who you very same people wanting war will be arguing we are obliged to be taking in cos "we" bombed them.

Mike Oxsaw 3:53 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
HairyHammer 2:45 Fri Apr 7

Turkey could always join the EU - 100% proven to stop all known wars. (c) - some arrogant twat on another thread.

HairyHammer 2:45 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
If Turks stupidly vote Yes for Dictatorship on the 16th who knows even Turkey could go to civil war they too have a leader who is Marmite and its 50/50 .
America and GB could within 5-10 years be going in to Turkey to save democracy another country that needs saving, or is it destroying, who really knows?

HairyHammer 2:37 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
I honestly do not know what is going on, all I do know is since The Arab spring most of these Arab countries have gone to the brink of Civil war and gone to pot.
I hate Conspiracy theories but yesterday's favoured leaders are now seen as dangerous Autocrats although Syria has always been disliked by the West, sort of because of Israel .
I always thought that Obama should have gone to War because Assad was going to kill his people but he just could not get the support, those who hated Assad were a vast majority The Sunni's and they wanted freedom, but what is freedom? For me Assad gives more freedom than what Syria may turn into without him, an Autocratic Islamic state.
What is very clear now is that something should have been done, Obama tried to do it the right way and he got nowhere .
Whatever happens now it is too late The people of Syria are damaged and broken their country is broken and lies in rubble and pain surrounded by death.

BRANDED 2:18 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
When we've found it bomb the fuck out of the Syrians again. Irrespective of what actually happened.

, 1:55 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Well I was very much against the Iraq debacle because UN weapons inspector Hans Blix had found no evidence whatsoever of combat ready WMDs. I wanted proof before giving support to Dubya and his legitimising lapdog Blair.

Again in this case I think we should wait for proof of what really happened.

BRANDED 1:45 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
init comma

Not that you'll convince a fucking hawk

, 1:39 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
How about, and I've said this before, we wait to ascertain precisely what has happened to these victims.

We know that many have no external wounds and have signs of toxic attack. We don't know whether or not these chemicals were dropped from aircraft or released when their storage facility was bombed. Experts tell us that sarin has it's components stored separately and these can be destroyed without toxic danger. This means that if the deaths have been caused by sarin it has to be from a pre prepared and deliberate act.

We need proof not conjecture right now.

BRANDED 1:35 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?

threesixty 1:34 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?

"Shit has gone on for far too long. Trump has done what his predecessor should have done, but didn't have the appetite for, even though he said they'd crossed a line."

Obama wanted to. Took it to congress and REPUBLICANS voted it down. We did the same here, Cameron wanted to and parliament voted it down.

So I dont think its fair to say Obama didnt have the appetite for it.

Darby_ 1:31 Fri Apr 7
Re: The beginning of the Donald?
Calm down, Mashed. Lashing out wildly makes it look like you actually have been pinned down, at least to a certain extent. I haven't forgotten Iraq. I joined one of the huge anti-war rallies in 2003, and have said many times here that I hate Blair and think the invasion was a disaster.

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